Armour Sales Restrictions
The Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia each control who can legally posses body armour. Black Bear Gear Inc. will not sell body armour to persons or groups in these provinces without first obtaining a copy of the purchaser's documentation which provides proof that they are legally allowed to purchase body armour in their province of residency. For all other Canadian provinces and territories Black Bear Gear has an internal policy that customers who wish to buy "Armoured Products'" need to show one of the following ID's. Military, Police, EMS, Firefighter, Peace Officer, Security Licence, PAL or RPAL. This to the best of our ability will ensure that Armour does not fall into unwarranted hands. There are some circumstances where without one of the above ID we will consider on a case by case basis. Please email us if you do not have the above ID. Please see the links below to confirm your provinces laws.It is your responsibility to KNOW YOUR PROVINCES LAWS.
Nova Scotia:
British Columbia: